Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween . . .

A friend of mine recently told me, "There are two types of people in this world. Those who like Halloween, and those who don't"
I think it's pretty clear from the pictures below that I am one who loves Halloween.

I have always loved Halloween, and trick or treating in NYC is different than it is in the suburbs, but can still be just as rewarding, and indeed lucrative, if not moreso, in terms of how much candy one can bring in.
As a kid growing up right in the Village, we would hit maybe 5 buildings in the neighborhood, traveling in a group composed of maybe 4 or 5 different kids from the different buildings.
As a teen, I pretty much stuck to my own building, as I found it harder and harder to find friends who were willing to go with me. I couldn't understand why no one wanted to go collect candy anymore. Who doesn't like candy? Sure you can go buy a bag of snickers and still see all the costumes as kids come to the door, see how Halloween works from the other side of the door. But the fact of the matter is you're still going to eat half that bag of snickers yourself, I'm just goin for a larger variety.
One year I trick or treated with a friend through a 6 block section of brownstones in Chelsea, with much success.
In fact, I continued trick or treating until I was 21, when it wasn't as much fun eating candy as it was drinking rum.

I have gone as many things over the years, a headless man, a bloody man, a mummy, John Lennon, and most recently, a Pimp.
I think the outfit in question speaks for itself.

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